Clean & Simple Card Making 2 GIVEAWAY!

Have you heard the great news?

Online Card Classes is back with an all-new take on one of our most popular classes: Clean & Simple Card Making 2! Join Kristina Werner, Julie EbersoleJennifer McGuire and friends (including me!) to discover the “secret” to minimalistic and fabulous cards. Learn new techniques and be inspired by 26+ videos and 34+ clever and creative card designs. Gather inspiration from your fellow students and Online Card Classes teachers in the forums and galleries. Then print out class PDFs to take Clean & Simple Card Making 2 with you wherever you go. Plus, with lifetime access, random giveaways and shopping discounts galore, you’ll be able to outfit your card making stash in clean and simple style.

For more information on the class, check HERE.

I am so happy to be one of the guest designers for the class — it’s just an awesome lineup! Can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with.  I learned so much in the first class and I have a feeling that this class is gonna blow that one outta the water!

Want to win a spot in the class? Just leave a comment on this post with something that makes ya happy! I’ll announce a random winner on Friday morning, so be sure to leave your comment by then. Ready, set, go!

Updated on 25 January at 10:52 CST: has picked a winner! I am awaiting confirmation that the winner hasn’t already won and then I’ll announce her here! Stay tuned… 

83 Replies to “Clean & Simple Card Making 2 GIVEAWAY!”

  1. Jessica Monte says:

    Online card classes make me happy because i don’t have to back up my stuff and i can be home and work at my own pase

  2. Becs Attwood says:

    Excited for this class – can’t wait to see what you have created for us. Finding time to be creative always makes me happy. Thanks for the chance to win.

  3. New dies and new Online Card Classes make me very happy! Thanks for the chance to win a spot in class. :)

  4. barbara lassiter says:

    I love to make cards and that makes me happy!

  5. Would love to win a spot. Thank you for the chance.

  6. Signed up and looking forward to it.

  7. My cats make me happy! Thank you for a chance to win.

  8. Thanks for the chance to win. What makes me happy? Helping other people. I’m weird. :)

  9. Julie Johnson says:

    Making beautiful cards makes me happy!!

  10. Looks like a ton of fun! Can’t wait!

  11. Thank you for the chance to take this class! Loved all of their classes!

  12. Yes! Yes! Yes!
    Loads of love from Singapore! (:

  13. Being a grandma makes me happy. Scrapbooking for my two year old grandson makes me happy. Number two due in May… Happy Happy!

  14. Looking forward to this class! Thanks for a chance at a spot!

  15. Oh I’d LOVE a spot:)

  16. This class sounds like a blast! Having time to craft and having so much fantastic inspiration online makes me happy. Thanks for the chance to win.

  17. Love the chance to win! My son makes me happy when he comes up to me and gives me a kiss and says Mum I love you.

  18. Winning a spot in this class would make me happy! But right now hot cocoa is doing the trick :)

  19. Congrats on being a guest designer. I know your participation will add to the experience. Thanks for the chance to win a spot

  20. What makes me happy is spending time in my happy place – My craft space!

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