A classy day!

Today was a very classy day — I co-taught a packed class of 75 students from all around the world. It was so fun — I just love teaching! Tomorrow is the first day of the show — cannot wait! But for now it’s time to get some food — yum!

Hi from CHA Chicago!

Hi! I’m here at CHA Chicago — yay! Aren’t the flowers gorgeous? I’m hoping to do lotsa quick little posts from my phone — it will be like you’re coming along with me!  But for now, I’ve gotta crash — been up since 3:30 am. Zzzzzzzzzz,

The Sketchbook Project

Have you heard about this? I signed up! So cool that Austin is one of the stops on the Tour!  Let me know if you sign up so maybe I can see your book! More info right here. And!  I’m not saying what theme I picked, but it may or may not have something to […]

Carve your own stamps!

Have you ever carved your own stamps? I’ve been wanting to ever since I had a tutorial with Kathleen McTee when the Renegade Craft Fair came to Austin. I finally got to try it, yay!  I made a little kitty and a bow for a color swap that I am in, hosted by the lovely […]