6 Replies to “Starbucks gossip”

  1. Lisa

    How did you like the Starbucks book? I’ve had that on my wish list for a bit but haven’t read it yet.


  2. Hi Judi — it was a pretty good book, I enjoyed reading it. Although, it made me want to go to Starbucks!

  3. Guess I’ll be going to B&N today to get my book.

    Ironic that the bookstore is connected to a Starbucks!


  4. Lisa, thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts about my book, The Starbucks Experience. Do I owe you a commission for comments that led to Judi’s purchase (lol) or can we trade that for my finders fee for hooking you up with the Starbucks Gossip website. Again thank you… Joseph

  5. Hi Joseph,

    It was a Surprise and Delight to get a comment on my blog from you!

    I really did enjoy the book, it was very inspirational. I especially like the Ideas to Sip On at the end of each chapter and am trying to come up with ways to apply them to my work.

    Happy Holidays!

  6. Thanks for your kind words. May your holidays be warm and blessed. Joseph

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