Flying by…

This one seemed appropriate to post today because I’m flying out to CHA!  Plus my sis works for Delta Airlines.  Hi Chris! I will try to post while I am at the show, but it is usually super crazy busy, so we will see.  If anyone reading this is going, stop by  the Hero booth […]


This isn’t the best photo in the world, but wanted to mail the card before I left for CHA tomorrow, so had to take it when I had a spare minute. Not saying “hoo” I’m mailing it to, ha! I love this Tiny Owl, so cute. Supplies: All stamps, acetate notecard, gemstones and white heart […]

Thank you.

A little card to give to the Bartlett’s — they let us stay in their guest house — which they call the bird house — when we were in Fort Davis for the NPAT board meeting. Got to see lots of birds — and deer, too — while sipping tea on the patio. Fun and […]

BKAC: Part 5 of a 10 Part Series

In today’s episode of Better Know a Cupcake, we’ll meet the Inspired By Martha Cupcake. Yep, that Martha! Check out this scrumpy cupcake from an article that appeared in Kids magazine. Yum. This gift holder is for Jason’s dad’s birthday — but the gift card that is in there is mine. Thanks Dad and Debby! […]