So much going on…

Wowzers, it seems like this year is busier than ever! Hope to blog soon because I have a ton of projects to share that I haven’t had a chance to take pictures of yet.  I know I’m too busy when I don’t have time to take pictures — usually a camera is never far from […]

What a weekend!

What a great weekend! Saturday we talked to two landowners about putting conservation easements on their prairies. The first one was a 2 hour drive away, and the next one was about a half hour past that. Then we drove an extra hour — almost to Houston — to see Nash Prairie. Wow. It was […]

Another peek.

On pages 8-9 of the January issue of Creating Keepsakes — got my subscription copy yesterday. Can’t wait until all of the new designs are revealed! That is Aaron’s son, Ethan — he’s a sweetie. Aaron is Jackie’s son and the CEO of Hero.  Jackie is the founder, and a truly amazing person.

Blog banner updated.

Yep, that’s a tree made out of sideoats. hee hee. I got the idea this fall when I was photographing the blooms fror the symposium — the flower stamens are red. Did you know that sideoats is the state grass of Texas? I’ll have to rustle up some photos so you can see the whole […]

Hope you had a…

Happy Thanksgiving!  We had a nice relaxing day at home with lots of good eats.  :) Today I plan to make a big pot o’ soup, as it’s freezing here — well not really freezing, as it is actually 46, but it feels cold.  Brrr. Then I hope to STAMP!  Finally. In the meantime, check […]