Warning: Put on your sunglasses!

Saw this scene on Sunday after Jason and I finished leading a praire field trip and had to stop and take a photo — it threatened rain all day, but we just had a few drops. You gotta love Texas roadsides in the spring. More pictures to come — in the meantime, have you seen […]

A year ago…

A little over a year ago today — well, it was a exactly a year ago when I created this layout — I saw the Golden Gate Bridge for the first time. What a wonderful day. Jason and I had spent the whole day hiking around the Presidio. Then just as the fog started rolling […]

Happy 1st of May!

How did it get to be May already? Hope yours is great! I’m working on an assignment right now, so nothing that I can show you — but — some things I’ve been working on for Hero Arts are up on the website, including this — love that bee! Speaking of bees, how do you […]

Have you heard…

…about the sneak peek on the Hero Arts website? It’s for the new Collage Stamping catalog. The full release will be up on the site on May 7th. I love these stamps — truly usable. I can send my Granny cards made with them and she won’t think I’m “out of my tree” — one […]

Another 3191 moment

“That’s a pretty lunch”, said Jason. “Hey did you see what’s finally blooming!?! (pointing with excitement out the kitchen window) Can you take a picture for me?” Click. Another 3191 moment. The wildflower is Herbertia lahue (also known as Prairie Nymph), a prairie iris. We planted the bulbs about 3 years ago, this is the […]