New blog banner + title.

I’ve been meaning to change my blog banner for a while now. “Lisa’s Blog” was the old title — and while I liked it, it seemed kinda mean to take that as the name since there are so many Lisa’s out there blogging now.

So today while out on a bike ride I came up with “little blog on the prairie”. Seems to fit me.

Then tonight I started working on the banner — I kinda like it, but not completely sure. Gonna live with it for a few days and see.

A little info: I used The GNU Image Manipulation Program — or GIMP for short — to create the banner. The GIMP is free and available for many different OSes — I use Mac OS X. The flower is a silphium radula from our prairie garden that Scott grew from seed and gave me — thanks Scott! The small font is Nadeem and the cool larger font is called Misproject. Ha.

More later.

2 Replies to “New blog banner + title.”

  1. Anne Marie says:

    Love the new blog title, Lisa! As for image, I vote you go back to a prairie photo … maybe overlay some stamping swirls to it to tie in your stamping. But I so look forward to clicking on your blog every day just to see those awesome Texas wild flowers! (And yes, I did use your Barbara’s Buttons photo as my “happy place” to bear that horrendous 2-day drive to Texas in June!)

  2. Hi Anne Marie! The silphium is a true prairie flower. It’s one of the indicators of a good prairie. When we are driving around scouting this is one of plants we look for — we don’t see very many at all.

    Oh and it’s not to be confused with a sunflower — this is a totally different creature.

    Glad the Barbara’s Buttons photo helped you survive the drive!

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