Pocket Scrapbooking // Everything will be OK

Pocket scrapbooking is turning out to be just what I needed right now. It’s so therapeutic. I try not to talk about it much because I don’t want to bring anyone down or be a complainer, but I’ve been having problems with my left leg for going on three years. Is that crazy or what? I’ve still been going hiking, though. When I posted about this on facebook my hiking buddies were shocked — they had no idea. So I guess I can hide things pretty well ha. You can read all about it in this post, and this post. Long story short, I tore my ACL twice — once while on mile 10 of a 15 mile hike in the mountains of West Texas and again in a typhoon in Tokyo. It healed with PT, but then my kneecap didn’t track right so I had to have surgery to correct that. Then my body rejected the screws so I had to have a second surgery to remove them.

It never did heal. And it hurt. Every single day. Some days I could barely walk. I gathered up my courage and went for a second opinion, but that doctor wasn’t very helpful. I didn’t want to give up hope, so I went and saw a third doctor. She found the problem! Turns out that I have a hole through my muscle that never healed from when I had a screw removed (from the second surgery). She did an ultrasound and it was amazing to see the hole right there on the screen. I feel so lucky to have found this doctor.

Just goes to show, never ever give up! Trust yourself. Listen to your body. (This is really hard for me.)


These two pages are all about the joy I felt when the doctor found the problem. I wanted to share them in case it brings someone hope. I feel that we each have our own valid, real, problems and no way should we try to compare them. Just don’t even start down that path. Because there is always someone out there worse off.

But I really think we can and should share what makes us happy and gives us hope. Spread some sunshine.

This little book is one of those things that makes me happy. It’s a gem of a book filled with pictures and inspirational quotes. I have it on my bookshelf so that the cover always faces out — just seeing it makes me smile. Because in the end, everything will be OK. We will find a way to deal and to heal.

everything is gonna be OK by Lisa Spangler

Oh Yes, Brush Script

So enough talk and more about the layout. :)

I started out by making a background by tapping various daubers through the Hero Arts Zig stencil, and then some brush script layered over top. I am still practicing my script, so I did it on some white cardstock and then cut it out. That way I didn’t have to worry about messing up. By the way, if you haven’t heard of Kal Barteski stop reading this right now and go check her out. She is amazing. Both as an artist and as a person.

I was lucky enough to be a contributor for the life | scripted class at Studio Calico where she was the teacher. I learned so much! Especially that I’ll never stop practicing. So I wrote “OK” a zillion times on some white cardstock and cut out my fave. Good therapy. Oh and! I just checked and while class is over, it is now available as a self-paced course. YES! Take it. You will not regret it.

everything is gonna be OK by Lisa Spangler

Then to finish off the page it was just a matter of adding “every thing” with these alpha punches, sequins (woodgrain ones! love!), some stitching, and some drips. Because you gotta have drips when you do brush script. :)

Pretty Postcard

Next I spied this blank pretty postcard I had been saving when I ordered a few things from Leah Duncan’s shop. If you have not heard of her then you know what I’m gonna say — stop and go check her out! Another amazing artist.

use a saved postcard with craft die by Studio Calico

I made the black attachments using this die from Studio Calico. Love. It wasn’t sticking very well to the postcard so I stitched it on with more silver metallic thread and left the threads hanging free.

everything is gonna be OK by Lisa Spangler

I wrote about seeing the doctor on the back of the postcard and stamped the date. Note to self: don’t use pigment ink on glossy paper, ha! But I kinda like it like this.

Be Brave

For the second half of the spread I added some cards + photos.

paint on BasicGrey wood embellishments by Lisa Spangler

The card about the future belonging to those who believe in their dreams is by Studio Calico — sorry, I don’t remember what kit it’s from. The bottom pocket documents that the doctor is having me wear a boot until I see her again on May 20th. (More on that later.)

For the “be brave” card, I took the stencil after I used it on the first page, and then without cleaning it I stamped it on some white cardstock and cut it out. Gives kind of a watercolor look, don’t you think? And it’s two-for-one! BONUS.

paint on BasicGrey wood embellishments by Lisa Spangler

I wrote “be brave” on a BasicGrey Highline embellishment with white acrylic ink. I first learned about
this white ink from Geninne — yet another amazing artist. No wonder these pages made me happy, thinking about all these inspirational artists. The ink is so cool, it’s kind of like thin white acrylic paint and it flows really well, but it’s really opaque.


Here’s a better look at that Studio Calico card. It’s so true. Never give up. Keep believing in your dreams. I am dreaming that my leg will heal and I’ll be able to walk pain free again. How about you? What are you dreaming about? Whatever it is, everything will turn out O.K. xo


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12 Replies to “Pocket Scrapbooking // Everything will be OK”

  1. I love this post, Lisa! So inspirational! The title of that book reminds me of the way my mom lived her life – with lots of optimism. I believe it’s true – everything always works out and will be okay.

    I am very glad you didn’t give up and found the problem with your leg. I’m hoping it can now heal once and for all. Love these two pages in your pocket scrapbook! Wonderful details and colors! Hugs to you! ♥

  2. I love how you made something beautiful out of such a tough situation! Way to go, Lisa. Very cute pocketbook!

  3. Fantastic inspiration Lisa! I’m sorry you are hurting my friend. Hang in there xxoo

  4. This project is super inspiring…love every single detail!

  5. While I am always inspired by your art, I find today that I am very inspired by your sharing. Sending you the deepest wishes for healing of your body. Your lovely self is just fine already. (grin)

  6. Glad to here your leg is doing better – chronic pain is so challenging! Yay for good doctors. :)

  7. Linda Baker says:

    Love! Thanks for sharing. Hope you continue to heal.

  8. barbara lassiter says:

    Love this journal and the new look on your blog. I’m so happy that the Dr. found the source of your pain and now the healing can begin for real. Thinking of you and remember what Winston Churchill said…..never, never, never give up!

  9. this is an amazing post lisa! thank you. I am so glad that you didn’t give up :)

  10. Thank you so much for sharing your story. It’s your blog, and you should always feel like it’s OK to share your story, whether it is happy or not. Your friends (blog readers) want to hear it all, not just the happy stuff. I love your journal pages! You are such an artistic girl! I hope you continue to heal, and make beautiful things!

  11. Thank you for sharing your story. I’m sending healing thoughts your way. Love the new look of your blog and the mini album is fantastic!

  12. Lisa Waitt says:

    Love all the ideas and thanks for being a part of the blog hop!

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