Our Thanksgiving Feast 2010

So many people asked me what we were doing for Thanksgiving this year that I just had to share. (Any excuse to take photos is a good excuse, right? Right!) We usually have a potluck with vegetarian friends, then go for a hike, then eat dessert! It’s so fun. But this year the potluck didn’t […]

Great Aunt Verna’s Homemade Noodles

Great Aunt Verna has the best recipe for homemade noodles — they always come out so yummy! It’s one of J’s favorite Thanksgiving (or any other holiday, for that matter!) things to eat. I’ve been telling people who aren’t from J’s family about them for years, but it finally dawned on yesterday me to blog […]

So thankful.

My heart is singing as I write this — just like the wind in a birch decked out in autumn gold. I wanted to say how very thankful I am for all of you. Thanks for reading my blog, and leaving your comments, and most of all for your friendship. (Photos of this sweet birch […]

Guess what?

(Razzle Dazzle sequin brushes from Katrina at Pugly Pixel. Thanks so much Katrina!) Today I finished the (hopefully) last stamping for the Hero Arts 20100 catalog. It seems somehow appropriate that my living rock bloomed, don’t you think? Can’t wait to show you the photos from my trip to Hero Arts and San Francisco. Yeah! But […]