Happy Weekend!

Hi everyone, can you believe it’s Friday? I sure can’t! But I’m so happy because my in-laws are coming from Ohio for a week long visit, yay! And I feel so lucky that I can say that and really mean it, because I love them both. My MIL is a stamper and a crafter, just […]

Winter window decorations.

Hi everyone! I finally had a chance to take a few photos of my winter kitchen window decorations and just had to share. I’ve had this in my mind for a while now. It’s right above the sink, and it definitely makes washing dishes lots more fun! Especially these sweet little deer. Really makes me feel peaceful. […]

There’s something about…

…paper whites growing indoors in the wintertime that I just love. I love waking up each morning to see what happened overnight. (These have grown a quarter of an inch since I first planted them yesterday. Amazing.) I love it when they bloom — they smell so good! And most of all, I love it […]

Putting up decorations!

I love pulling out our Christmas decorations — it’s like seeing old friends. But before I could bring myself to tear down my fall window display I just had to snap a few photos to remember it by! (Prairie grasses including sideoats, Indian grass, and little bluestem, and blazing star from our garden, plus round […]