A yummy way you can help me help a friend!

Hi everyone! Pull up a chair a look at my lunch today: Doesn’t it look super yummy? Here, look closer — too bad we don’t have smell-o-screens yet, because this smells incredible: It’s a recipe called Smokey Spicey Cheesy Yummy Hatch Chilie Pie that my super fun friend and chef extraordinaire Libby cooked up for […]

Chicago: Renegade Handmade!

Hi everyone! I thought I’d start travel week off with someplace I wanted to go to for ages and ages: Renegade Handmade in Chicago! Have you heard of the Renegade Craft Fairs? Well, the shop is an extension of the fairs and features over 300 artists — it’s a permanent location for people to buy […]

Crafty travel week!

Hi everyone! How has your summer been? Can you believe it’s almost September? I sure can’t. I feel like I’ve been on-the-go since early July — in fact, last weekend was the first weekend J and I were in Austin for 3 weekends in a row!  Whew. (photo taken at the visitor’s center in Cedar […]

For a friend who loves purple!

Hope you have a wonderful day — full of love and laughter — and Taco Deli! Supplies:  All stamps by Hero Arts. To make the background, I used a technique that I learned from my friend Sally where you ink an acrylic block and then stamp it on cardstock.  I think I used pool, lavender, […]

What I’ve been up to!

Why yes, those are gingerbread men. And yep, it’s still August. Are you confused? Well, you’re not going crazy — although sometimes I think I am, especially when I’m making Christmas cards in June and it’s over 100 F out and my snowflakes melt just as soon as I stamp ’em — ha ha!  It’s […]