And the winner is…

(Photo taken the same day as this one.) has spoken, and the winner of the $50 gift certificate to Lisa Lenoard Designs is: #106 Ashley N Newell! Yay Ashley!  I will email Lisa so that she can send you the gift certificate and you can start shopping! Thanks to all who entered, it was […]


Did you know that grasses have flowers?  Oh yes, they are there, hanging like little bells. But you have to look closely for them… Closer… Ah, there now. This is sideoats grama, the state grass of Texas.  It’s my favorite prairie grass — shhhh, don’t tell the other grasses!  I even named this blog after […]

Have a refreshing weekend!

Yay for Fridays, and Peet’s Jasmine Tea, and limes.  And yay for whoever thought of putting them together.  Have you ever tried it?  It’s so crisp and — well yes — refreshing! And yay for a weekend with no plans, except for drinking tea and writing posts for the blog next week — I have […]