
I made a big batch of ratatouille for Jason before I left for the Hero Arts strategy meeting.  Had to take a photo of the eggplants before I chopped ’em up.  These beauties are from Jason’s friend Gorden — so pretty. The carrot didn’t make it into the pot — I ate it — ha. […]

Paper Source Goodness

As promised, here are the goodies I picked up at Paper Source on 4th Street in Berkeley.  Except for the brown linen string, it’s gone missing.  Clockwise from left:  Paper Source catalog, snowflake cards, vintage Valentine paper, Handmade Hellos.  I read the book on the plane — it’s yummy! Stay tuned for some goodies from […]


I love mums.  There, I’ve said it.  Jason thinks they are ugly, but this year he is being a gentleman about putting up with this one on the kitchen table.  Well, mostly a gentleman, ha! I think I like them so much because they remind me of fall in Ohio.  Everyone has mums there — […]

Sunrise + sunset

Just got back from a big strategy meeting at Hero Arts.  Was so good to see everyone!  Sorry I can’t talk about what went on in the meeting — top secret, ya know?  But I thought I’d share some pictures I took with my cell phone. First, a sunrise — with the moon — from […]


It’s finally fall!  The weather is cooler (only in the 80’s!) , it’s getting down to the 50’s at night, the monarchs are migrating, and the squirrels are going crazy over all the acorns.  Love this time of year. More info on the card HERE on the Hero Blog.