
Hi everyone! Hope that you all had a great Thanksgiving. I sure did — I got to spend it with family in Ohio. So much to be thankful for. I’ll be back in Austin tomorrow and have lots to share — including some pictures from a class that I taught at Inky Fingers — a […]

Sympathy card

I had to make time today to do some personal stamping — had to create a sympathy card. I really don’t like making sympathy cards — all my stamps seem too happy, and I really struggle with them. So I decided to try and go with color as a way to express the sentiment. I […]

Another great weekend.

Saturday I participated in a workday at Great Hills Park — a 60 acre park that has neat hidden canyons, great views, and lots of trails — it’s just a few miles from our house. I cut down a bunch of Japanese Ligustrum — a non-native plant that can choke out riparian areas. It’s very […]

New colors

Howdy all! I took this picture of a possumhaw holly last weekend — I’m planning to use it for my Christmas cards this year. Will keep you posted on the cards — in the meantime I thought I’d update my blog banner and colors to match. Let me know what you think! Had to do […]

A great weekend.

What a great weekend. Saturday I got stuff done around the house and then went for a bike ride. A cold front had moved in, so my ride was in the 60’s — felt good! Sunday I got to hang out with two good friends — Scott and Coby. (Jason had to work — poor […]

Fall Workday at Brodie Wild

November 5th we had a workday at Brodie Wild. 21 volunteers planted over 350 plants — wow! Jason co-ordinated getting the workday together. Together with another volunteer, I placed the plants so they’d be ready for planting, and I helped plant too. My legs were really sore the next few days — yowza. Now we […]