Doeskin Ranch

On October 29th Jason and I went hiking at Doeskin Ranch, a tract of land in the Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge. It is about an hour northwest of Austin. I took a bunch of pictures (gallery), including this one of a Great Plains Ladies’ Tresses Orchid. Yep, there are orchids in Texas — 54 […]

NPSOT Symposium in San Antonio

I finally had a chance to create some photo galleries from the 2006 Native Plant Society of Texas (NPSOT) Symposium. Every year members from all over Texas meet at the symposium. This year it was in San Antonio and was held Thursday October 19 thru Sunday October 22. Jason and I left Austin Thursday evening […]

Feeling Better

Finally! These past few days have been a blur of drinking tea, sleeping, waking up to drink more tea, sleeping some more — well you get the idea. First time I was sick all year though, so I guess that’s pretty good. Thanks a bunch for all of your get well emails, they helped. Got […]

Not Feeling Well

Hi everyone — just thought I’d let you know that I have been under the weather. Sore throat, fever, the works. Lost my voice on Halloween, Jason had to give out the candy to all 67 trick-or-treaters! I’m getting better, but still feel weak. Time to go make another cup of hot tea — it […]

Viva Las Vegas

Here are the promised pictures from Memory Trends in Las Vegas. Click on the image to go to the Picasa photo album, then check out the captions under the pics for all the details. I flew to Vegas on Sunday and arrived around 1:30 PM, got my luggage and took a shuttle to the hotel […]