Hey April, where did you go?

And, why didn’t you bring us any rain?


Anyhow, I switched out my calendar to May (can’t believe it’s here). Also turned the page on my Through the Year with Gordon the Fox mini-book by John Porcellino. I love this book so much! I got it at Little Otsu press in San Francisco when I was visiting Mon. (Hi Mon! That was a fun day! And, thanks again for the calendar.)

Then while I was at it I updated my virtual desktops, too. Both of these are by Fossil. You can find the bike and the map in their life style section — lotsa good stuff there. (Love the typewriter and the sketchbook! Gah!)

I also switched up my kitchen window display — will post photos soon.

How about you, did you do anything to welcome May?

And, any of you overflowing with rain out there — the offer still stands to send it my way!

9 Replies to “Hey April, where did you go?”

  1. Hello sweet Lisa! Today was a beautiful day in Eastern Oregon! I would say, our first Spring Day. The kids and I got to go for a bike ride! The high… 59 degrees…. Happy May 1st! And, sorry, no rain!!!!!

  2. I can’t believe it is May already. I think we had rain 20 days in April and May is starting out with rain. Wish I could send you some in exchange for warm and sun. Have a great week and looking forward to your blog week at Hero Arts. MOM

  3. I’ve been blowing ours southwestward, but it won’t leave! :)))

  4. Linda C. Baker says:

    We have had way too much rain. wish I could share! hoping for warm sunny weather soon so I can plant some flowers and enjoy sitting out on my patio reading!

  5. I’ve been trying to convince the rain to head your way, Lisa but I think it likes it here! We seriously woke up to 33 degrees this morning with a few snowflakes mixed in! It’s just crazy! I usually have all my flowers in the pots on the deck by now but haven’t been able to plant even one yet! What is with this crazy spring?! Blow that warm dry air this way, would ya please? :)

    1. 33 degrees and snowflakes?!?! that’s crazy! It got down to 48 here, still no rain tho. :(

  6. Love that cute foxy calendar ;)
    We didn’t have too much rain in April either – my garden is crying out for it!
    I’m itching to get back to crafty gooness for May, after a bit of time off having been ill for a week or so. Bring on those stamps!!!!
    Hugs, Ruth S

  7. Ah, New England weather…..it’s so fickle! One day there’s a forest fire warning and it’s 86 degrees and the next day you wake up to torrents of rain and it’s 54 degrees. We always welcome in May by taking the heater out of the bird bath, change the type of food in the bird feeders, get the oranges ready for the orioles and prune the roses. I got a good dose of vitamin D yesterday!!

    1. Oh, Orioles! I’ve never seen one here in Texas, but my family in Ohio gets them all the time! Jealous :)

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