Claudine Hellmuth’s Technique Toolbox!

Have you heard about Claudine Hellmuth’s latest class at Big Picture Classes, Technique Toolbox? It’s a five week class running July 15-August 18th, along with forever access to the class materials in the private BPC classroom. There will be 25 in-depth instructional technique videos. And the best part? There are downloadable recipe cards with instructions […]

Summer Card Camp 2 GIVEAWAY!

Join your Online Card Classes Summer Camp counselors—Kristina Werner, Jennifer McGuire, and friends (including me!) — for a three-week adventure packed with cardmaking ideas! Each day, you’ll discover a new way to have fun with your cardmaking supplies, whether we’re exploring a color combo, transforming a design sketch, or learning a new technique together. Summer […]

Simple stencil techniques!

Hiya and happy July! I’m over on the Hero Arts blog with a video today, sharing some super simple stencil techniques — yet they are oh so cool. I can’t stop playing! Here’s a little peek at my cards: The cards all use this border stencil from Hero Arts — it’s got so many options, especially when you […]


Can you believe that June is almost over? I sure can’t. Where does time go? I’ve really enjoyed my time this month as the CASE Challenge Blog Muse and I’m sad to see it end. But I was super happy to play with this week’s challenge because I got to break out some TRIANGLES! Hola, […]