I’m back.

Hi everyone. I’m back from Ohio. So many of you have asked that I thought I’d post an update here on the blog: my Grandma passed away on Sunday, March 20th after a painful battle with pancreatic cancer. Thankfully it was a short battle. And thankfully I got to see her and talk to her, […]

Enjoy the moments.

Hi you guys. I’m still here in Ohio with my Grandma, enjoying all the little moments with her. (Photo taken this afternoon with the Hipstamatic iPhone app using the Chunky lens and Kodot XGrizzled film. It’s warm and sunny here today. Spring is on the way.) She’s out of the hospital and in a hospice home […]

Daisy hugs.

Hi! Just stoppimg by to share one last card I made to take to my Grandma. This is a super quick one — but it has *red* daisies — and red is her favorite color. Resources: October Afternoon daisy paper that I got at the Paper Source grand opening — with my Gran in mind. […]