Oh So Lovely

Hi everyone, how’s your week been so far? Mine is not-so-good — my Gran is in the hospital. :( I’m going to go visit her and wanted to make a bunch of cards to take. (Because, well, that’s what we cardmarkers do, eh?) But it’s hard for me to make cards when I’m sad. (Do […]


I’m working on my spring window display. It’s not done yet (and boy do I have to clean my windows). But spring has definately arrived! Hope you’re having a great weekend — whatever season you are in!

Hey you sly fox…

You can’t fool me. I see you there. Don’t try to act all cute and innocent. Sweetly sleeping on some flowers, eh? Or hiding in some wallpaper? Oh yeah, I see you, little fox! Resources: Sleeping Fox and Fox stamps from Hero Arts. I used a black pearl for the nose, hee hee. All patterned […]

Pretty plums.

Spring must be here, the plums are blooming! Note that this isn’t  famous Miss Plum. (Can a plum be famous?)  No, this is two of her sisters who live at Brodie Wild. We had a workday there on Saturday with a great group of people — so much fun, despite the drizzle! Thanks again to […]