Feeling like spring…

I’m almost all caught up after the trip to Ohio last week, yay!  Isn’t it funny how when you go on vacation you end up working over to make up for it?  Ha! Anyhow, this week on the Hero Club Blog we’re all doing our favorite stamps — I had a terrible time picking mine […]

Ahhhhh, spring!

Saw my first robin today, so spring must be here already in Texas — very different from this time last week when I was in Ohio!  Loved seeing all the snow there, I really do miss it. Anyhow, I made a springy card for the Hero Club Blog this morning — you’ve got to wait […]

This + that…

I heard it was going to rain tonight — and it is, actually — so I had to take a few more snow pictures before it all melted.  This is the lake behind Jason’s parent’s house — so pretty back there And here’s looking back at the house Then my Dad came and picked me […]

Hello from snowy Ohio!

YAY!!!  Snow!!!  I arrived here yesterday — it was -3 degrees according to the pilot — and this Texanized — is that word? —  gal was in for a shock!  But, I was so happy that there was SNOW!  So today I just had to go for a quick walk in the woods I love […]