A great birthday.

Thanks so much everyone for all of the birthday wishes yesterday — really made me smile! The weather cooperated — 47 degrees and just a light misty rain now and then — so Scott and I set off on our hike — YAY!  Just like last year, we started at St. Edwards Park (off Old […]

Happy Birthday Aunt Ruth!

She doesn’t read my blog — I think — so hoping it is safe to post this here…because her b-day isn’t until the 23rd.  Aunt Ruth, if you are reading this, close your eyes right now, ha! I LOVE this set of three Japanese dolls by Hero.  It’s one of my faves of the new […]

The tree is in the house!

We went down the street to Red Barn Garden Center around 6:00 pm today in search of a tree… No, not poinsettias, already have one of those — tho these were so pretty Ah ha, this is what we were after: trees!  Should we get that one?  No, too big.  That one?  No, too small. […]

Merry + bright + peaceful, too.

Last night we went to the Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center for their annual Luminations event.  If you are in the Austin area, you really should go!  Everything looks so beautiful this time of year.  And peaceful.  And there’s music and hot chocolate and over 3,000 luminarias and you’re bound to run into friends…Hi Minette!  Hi […]

Kristina’s Color Challenge #34

A dear friend’s father passed away and I was struggling mightily to make a card for her.  I’m so glad that Kristina posted her color challenge in these soothing colors because it really helped me put this together. I’m going to call my Dad today — miss him. Supplies:  Stamp and gemstones by Hero Arts.  […]