The Small Object

Today was a pretty gloomy day here in Central Texas — rainy, drizzly and cold — we might get freezing rain on Monday and power outtages — but the day was made brighter by the arrival of these stamps from The Small Object! I stumbled upon these stamps while researching Russian nesting dolls on Russian […]

A new blog banner.

I’ve been working like crazy lately — had to take a break tonight — so I added this blog banner really quickly — still need to tweak the link colors and such. The photo was taken in the common room at the Indian Lodge in Davis Mountains State Park. The window was built by the […]

Bad luck comes in threes…

…so now I’m safe, right? First the hard drive on my MacBook crashed. Most everything was backed up, just lost some photos and 3 songs (there’s that number again!). Went to the Apple Store on Sat to get the hard drive replaced. Spent New Year’s eve/day getting everything reinstalled. Then we had two hardware problems […]

Vacation Day #3: Lichens

I like lichens — so many awesome colors, and such a neat “critter”. On vacation we learned that lichens don’t like pollution at all — so Austin must not be too bad since we still have some in the trees around our house. But they don’t compare to the ones in the Davis Mountains. This […]