
It’s 34 and things are finally beginning to thaw out. Woke up this morning to a cacophony of neighbors trying to chip the ice off their vehicles. There was an article in the paper about what people are using to get the ice off — some strange things, including a boomerang! We may get more […]

More ice.

Woke up this morning to more ice — wow! Just had to take some pictures to share. Here’s the kitchen table — that’s a rose bush right outside the window. You can see the oak trees are all coated in ice and are leaning over the back fence. Some Lindheimer Senna seedpods: Switch grass: It […]


Howdy all!  It’s cold here in Central Texas — 30 right now and falling — feels like 18 with the windchill.  We had a bit of freezing rain earlier today and more is expected tonight and tomorrow — they’re calling for .5″ ice — zoiks! Those from up north will be laughing, I know — […]