Work, play, and a robin

Howdy all. Yes, I am still alive out here — just been working too much lately and no time to stamp. Boo. Took a break from work today to make some cards for The RubberStamper Magazine, but nothing I can show you — wish I could though! Hopefully they use some of the cards and […]

CHA Report

Here it is, the long awaited report on CHA! Click on the album for photos! What a week, I’m still recovering! Had tons of fun and got to meet lots of friends new and old. It’s always great to hang out with the Hero Arts crew. Here’s a rundown: Thursday: Flew to California — got […]

Playing around with iPhoto

I know everyone’s eagerly awaiting some photos and news from CHA — and it’s coming, I promise. I worked on it some tonight, should have it up tomorrow! In the meantime, I thought I’d post this picture from a workday we had at Indiangrass Preserve on Sunday. It was fun — about 30 people showed […]

Hello from CHA!

Just a quick note to say HI from CHA!   Things were really hopping at the booth today — wowzers!  Hopefully tomorrow won’t be nearly as crazy and I can take a few pictures.    In the meantime, have you seen the new Hero Arts ClearDesign month stamps?

On my way to CHA!

I’m writing this from the Phoenix airport — did you know they have free WiFi here? I’m going to be at CHA all week in the Hero Arts booth — stop by and say HI if you are in town! I’ll be helping to setup the booth tomorrow. Anybody taking the class on Sat or […]