Hello Spring!

Hello everyone! Sorry it has been so long since my last post, but I have been pretty swamped and haven’t had time for much beyond work. All work and no play makes Lisa a bad blogger. Ha! I do appreciate your emails asking if I’m okay, makes me feel wanted! I’m going to try to […]

To Paris and back: Day 2, finale

This post finishes up our adventure to Paris and back! We spent our last hours in Paris with Johnny Johnson — a great guy who loves prairies. He drove us around to see some good ones, and he said he knew I’d want to see this view of Gambill’s Goose Preserve — and wow was […]

To Paris and back: Day 1

We went to Paris this weekend — Paris, TX, that is! We left Austin around 11 AM, and got to our first stop around 4 PM — Manning Meadow, a 300 acre prairie near Wills Point. We didn’t have much daylight left, so we started right in! There were lots of windflowers blooming in white, […]

Hugs to all!

Took some pictures of Jason’s Valentine’s Day card this morning and thought I’d share. Funniest thing is, I had that felt heart cut out and sitting on my desk even before I went to CHA — and he never noticed — so he was totally surprised when I gave it to him. Hugs to all, […]