Hi there! I’m back with another card featuring the new Flora & Fauna Llama Garden set! I just llllllllove this set so much! This time I put the focus on the llama with flowers in her hair (!) and a single flower. I got a lil fancy with trimming the flowers along the edges of the card […]
Part 1 of 3: Llama Love!

Okay I have a confession to make: I lllllllllllove llllllllllamas!!! So when I saw the new Flora & Fauna Llama Garden set I had allllllllll the heart eyes! It’s so cute! Check it: And it goes perfectly with my Larry the Llama pouch that my sister got me. I use it to keep my Zig […]
Olive the Octopus

Hey you all! Guess what! Today is my anniversary — 21 years together with J! (Can’t believe it!) So of course I had to make him a card! And the August Animal House release from Technique Tuesday was the perfect thing: meet Olive the Octopus! Isn’t she the cutest!?! I love all those sayings! Almost couldn’t […]
NEW Altenew Watercolor 36 Pan Set! and GIVEAWAYS!

Hi there and welcome to my stop on the Altenew August release blog hop! I’m so glad you’re here! If you’ve been hopping along with us already, you’ll be coming from Erum Tasneem’s blog. If you’re just now joining us you can head on back to the start of the hop at the Altenew Card Blog. We’re hopping […]
Quick Summer Birthday Cards

I needed some summer birthday cards, stat! What to do, what to do? Essentials by Ellen Totally Random Sayings and Block Words to the rescue! I just made some fast backgrounds and on watercolor paper, then once it was dry it die cut the “happy” out of the piece, stamped the “birthday wishes” and adhered […]
Pocket Palette Update!

I just updated my Pocket Palette with 3 mixing areas — can’t wait for the paint to set up so I can try it out in the wild! The mixing areas are empty double pans that I purchased separately from Expeditionary Art. Love you how can mix things up! (Yeah, bad pun intended haha!) Here are the […]