Hi there and welcome to my stop on Day 2 of the Altenew 7th Anniversary Blog Hop! I’m so glad you’re here to help us celebrate! Before I share my card I just had to let you know about all the awesome prizes up for grabs… Did someone say PRIZES?!?! We have over $1,400 in […]
Hoppy Easter!

Hoppy Easer, y’all! Today I’ve got a super fun card that’s been kicking around in my brain for a while now — I turned an avocado into a bunny! Oh yes, you read that right! Here’s the story: I had that avocado die out on my desk and I thought to myself “hey, that looks […]
Happy 94th Birthday to J’s Grandma!

J’s Grandma turns 94 today! Please join me in wishing her the happiest of birthdays! I wish we could be there to celebrate with her — so glad she’s fully vaccinated and hoping we can get home to Ohio for a visit soon! I had to make her a big cheery card to celebrate — […]
Spring palette update!

I’m often asked about the colors I have in my palette, and since I just updated it for spring I thought I’d do a quick rundown! From left to right and top to bottom we have (*): Bismuth Vandate yellow (PY184) — I usually only have a cool yellow on my spring palette as I […]
Inspired by Calico Fabric

I needed to make a belated birthday card, stat! But I was feeling kinda uninspired…until I decided I spied that little piece of fabric over in my stash — then I couldn’t wait to get stampin’! Of course that fabric reminded me of the newly released EBE Rectangles for Stitching — just can’t stop using […]
Never ending felt flowers!

Do you ever have an idea pop into your head and you HAVE to try it? That’s what happened to me the minute I saw the newly released Never Ending Fringe dies! Something in my brain just shouted “tissue paper and felt!” Find my tissue paper fringe card HERE — now for the FELT version! […]