Happy Donut Day!

My friend Mon texted me last night to let me know that today, June 3, is National Donut Day! (How did I not know this?) It’s been going on since 1938, wow! Mon had two of my favorite donuts in all the world — chocolate spice and caramel de sel from Dynamo in San Francisco — they are […]

It’s June!

How did that happen? May just seemed to fly by, didn’t? Don’t get me wrong though, I love June! It’s usually not too hot (although we’ve had a few 100+ degree days here already, yikes!) and I get to make my Dad a Father’s Day card (love coming up with something different each year to […]


Hey you guys! Did you have a good weekend? I sure did! It all started on Friday with dinner at Kerbey Lane Cafe — sloppy joels — yep, joels, ha ha — sweet potato fries and crunchy dill pickles. Yum. (Photos taken with the instagram iPhone app — love this app so much!) Then Saturday […]